this i my blog.

When most people blog or vlog or whatever else, they usually have a purpose to it. I am now going to tell you, dear reader, that i have none. I may go off on a tangent; I may say something that makes no sense. I even might say something in another language that even I have no idea what it means. I apologize in advance to you, dear reader.

Stay epic, my friends.

Friday, October 31, 2014


hey guys! happy holloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have you dressed up as anything cool?

btw here's the random comments of the day:

this sentence is false (this random comment is actually a paradox)

if slenderman has no face, how does he eat?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Foreign exchange No. 3, random comment of the day

tôi không thực sự có nhiều điều để nói về Việt Nam. tôi chỉ có rất nhiều bạn bè Việt, vì vậy tôi đã tìm tôi muốn làm điều đó.

i don't really have much to say about vietnam. i just have a lot of vietnamese friends, so i figured i'd do it.

random comment of the day:

duck dynasty is scripted

i wonder if legolas was really lego-less

post it notes are supposed to be for eating yogurt

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I'm not gone; random comment of the day

sorry for not posting for  while. my randomness has not been cooperating with me for a while.

btw, here are the random comments of the day:

Yo wa gwan blud you rudeboy bludclart.

Suicide would be my way of telling God that I quit.

Microsoft bought Skype for 8,5 billion!.. how dumb! I downloaded it for free!

I like to say things twice, say things twice. It can get annoying though, annoying though.

Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, while others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.

Monday, September 22, 2014

visit this website


this is the coolest website ever. there are lots of fun facts that you can use to impress all your friends.

Friday, September 19, 2014



Monday, September 15, 2014

Foreign Exchange No. 2: Chinese










china fun facts:

100 million people in China live on less than US$1 per day.

China executes more than 4 times as many convicts as the rest of the world combined.

Fortune cookies are not a traditional Chinese custom. They were invented in early 1900 in San Francisco.

China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year.

Reincarnation is forbidden in China without government permission.

Facebook, Twitter and The New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009.

In China, over 35 million people still live in caves.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11's 13 anniversary

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. that  day, nearly 3000 people died in the 3 terrorist attack spots. today we remember the men and women who we lost to that terrible attack. 


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Foreign Exchange No.1: Russian

Случайность проявляется во многих формах. Один говорит или писать разные вещи на других языках. сегодня, я пишу на русском языке. если вы, ребята, знаете ничего о России, чем вы, наверное, знаете о Владимире Путине, президента России. во всяком случае, Влад всегда имеет свою бесстрастное лицо, и вы никогда не можете сказать, что он думает. серьезно. Google его.

Translation: Randomness comes in many forms. One is saying or writing different things in different languages. Today, I write in Russian. if you guys know anything about Russia, you probably know about Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. anyway, Vlad always has a poker face, and you can never tell what he was thinking. seriously. Google it.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Als ice bucket challenge

Pouring freezing water over my head, and watering my plants at the same time; Cuz i mean, come on. WE'RE IN A DROUGHT RIGHT NOW

By the way, I nominate Mrs. Maureen McClintock, Mr. Barack Obama, and Mr. John Grisham

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

the haiku theory



haikus are easy,
but sometimes they don't make sense.
happy potato

Tuesday, September 2, 2014




When most people blog or vlog or whatever else, they usually have a purpose to it. I am now going to tell you, dear reader, that i have none. I may go off on a tangent; I may say something that makes no sense. I even might say something in another language that even I have no idea what it means. I apologize in advance to you, dear reader.

Stay epic, my friends.