this i my blog.

When most people blog or vlog or whatever else, they usually have a purpose to it. I am now going to tell you, dear reader, that i have none. I may go off on a tangent; I may say something that makes no sense. I even might say something in another language that even I have no idea what it means. I apologize in advance to you, dear reader.

Stay epic, my friends.

Where the Sidewalk Starts: Randomness in Poems and Parodies


the Haiku Theory



haikus are easy,
but sometimes they don't make sense.
happy potato


alternate endings:


grumpy the hedgehog

a roll of duct tape

Deluxe Cheese Pizza (a haiku)

Deluxe cheese pizza
sprinkled with mozzarella


The Eat (a haiku)

gobble, gobble, gobble, slurp
yum, yum, yum, yum, yum


The stench (a limerick)

there once was a man named Bart,
who one day let out a great fart.
From the stench people died,
and Bart wept and cried,
then vowed never again to fart.


Where the Sidewalk Starts(a parody)

This is where the sidewalk starts
Where cement is put in place
Where insects run wild and free
Where dogs really enjoy to pee
Where there's tar as far as the eye can see
And graffiti is scrawled in haste.

This is where the people walk
With excessively long strides
With books tucked underneath their arm
On their neck shines a lucky charm
And to bugs their feet mean great harm
And pets walk at their side.

This is where the Hondas roam
Where gas fumes fill the air
Where motors scream their motor sound
Where tires squeak upon the ground 
Where cranked up Eminem music pounds
And the honk of horns is everywhere.

We'll pave the cemented streets
And feel the thumping of our feet
And dance to the hip hop beats
Where the sidewalk starts.

-William (parodied from Shel Silverstein's "where the sidewalk ends"

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